Summer Synergy - Youth Livestock Show
Olds Regional Exhibition, Calgary Stampede, 4-H Alberta and Provincial Junior Beef Breed Associations are committed to providing a collaborative venue to showcase youth in agriculture by combining traditional elements with innovative approaches for personal achievement and development. This will increase inter-breed interaction, avoid duplication, improve financial sustainability, engage the public and enhance the profile of rural lifestyle and primary production. This youth livestock program is known as Summer Synergy!
"What we've created, really, is the story of what's happening in agriculture today. We're at a very interesting point in the history of farming in Canada. Where the youth in our industry are setting the stage for a very different future. The next 20 years in agriculture are going to look nothing like the last 20 years and these kids are the ones who will be writing that success story."
Rob Smith, Synergy Volunteer
To learn more about Summer Synergy, and to see some of the marketing projects over the years, visit our YouTube channel at
There is really nothing more impactful than witnessing rural youth learning, achieving and celebrating. Their enthusiasm is contagious, their passion is motivating, and their spirit is simply inspiring.